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Hanging out in Marmaris, again.


This post is older (written April 10) than TURGUTREIS (written on April 28), but I had trouble posting for some reason. 


I think I should win a prize for ‘smart decisions of 2012’.  We were not sure whether I should push on westward while Code is back in Canada or stay put in Marmaris Marina.  We’re pretty tired of Marmaris and the temptation to go to Fethiye or another anchorage was tempting…but that would have been a bad idea.

Turns out my power supply cable to my PC broke yesterday, and I have spent the last 24 hours chasing down cables to borrow.  While I can handle any wall outlet plug with my adaptor, the actual converter on the power supply is computer specific, as far as I can tell.  Being in the Marina with hundreds of sailors, I put out the ‘distress call’ (not literally) for a cable and within minutes I had a ½ dozen  offers of help, but no one seemed to have the right one. Meg once asked me how I manage to get people to help me out when I am in need…she laughed when I told her that I basically run around saying ‘help help help’ until someone helps me!  Its true!   Going on the VHF with my pleas for assistance pretty much ensured that every English speaking person in Marmaris bay listening to the morning VHF marina broadcast were heard.

As I write this, I am sitting on the dolmus (a little bus) on my way back from town where I ended up purchasing a new power supply at a computer store.  Now that is resolved, it seems like no big deal.  What is the ironic thing is that what would be a minor hiccup when Code is around feels like a huge crisis of catastrophic proportion when I have to handle it alone.  Even if I go through the same exact steps, having him around just is reassuring that it will all be OK… or it is because he does such a good job of making things OK.

Kids are showing up here at the marina, and Aethan is very much in the fray, even though he is the youngest.  Others are 14, 12, and 11.  They love to hang out and play pool, go swimming, and play cucumber.  It is really a nice nice group of boys, and Aethan is eating it up.  Graeme and Johanna have finally bonded, but she leaves tomorrow, sadly.  Fortunately, I think we can swap out one blonde 6-year old girl for another-I wonder if he will even know the difference.  It is really nice (and very cute) to see them playing together.  He has such a sweet and special way when he is playing with kids his age.


It is warm and hazy sun today. Not yet hot.  The new Tansas is open, flowers are blooming, and the Dolmas starts running every half hour next week, and the marina is filling up with loads of people.  It is feeling like a very different place than in the winter.


Debbie and I are going out for dinner tonight (steaks, of course).  I am already hungry, and there’s another 1 ½ to go.


After all that, I am back on line, with power, and very happy that we’re staying put where there is plenty of help when I need it.

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