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A phone call: 150 miles to go

Just heard from Code. We had a superbrief conversation - about 2 minutes.   The guys took a nice ocean swim today, no more seasickness, and they're doing OK.  They had an especially great sail yesterday. They are doing a lot of motor-sailing for now since winds are now from the east so they're only making about 4 knots.   They will headoff a bit south so they can avoid going straight into a headwind; they should be in Bermuda either tomorrow night or early on Wednesday morning-a little later than expected.  Code said to tell Mary that Rob says 'Hi and I love you'!  Steve say the same to Taryn.

He doesnt seem to be getting all my text messages but will reset the sat phone's GPS fix and see if that helps.  If not, I will call Inmarsat again.




Reader Comments (4)

Thanks so much for the update Janet. Sounds like things have been going well for the boys. Can't wait to hear from Steve!

May 16, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTaryn Small

...OK, Code, I am waiting for a phone call from you any minute now (since last night!). The waiting is driving me crazy!!

May 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJanet

As am I Janet (and Steve!!!).

May 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTaryn small

Call me at 301 938 9608. Cant find your number. Going a little crazy over here....

May 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJanet

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