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Our trip through Turkey (Oct-Nov 2011), by Aethan Cubitt


We packed our bags and I carried them to the car.  Then we drove to Ephasus.  Next we drove to Troy.  Next we drove to Istenbul, then we drove to Ankara.  After AnKara we drove to Goreme Capadocia. Then back to Marmeres.


Ephasus used to be the 2nd  biggest city in the world nexgt to Rome which we saw earlier in the year.  It was enormous.  Plus I stood in exactly the same spot where Saint John gave a speech.


Troy was rebuilt 11 times because of a fire, got flooded, or got attacked.  The seventh time it got rebuilt the Greeks attacked and they retreated exept one guy stayed behind to convince the Trojans that they were sorry.  They didn’t see how nice they were.  The Greeks gave the Trojens a 50 foot wooden horse and they brought it to the city walls.  At night when every Trojan was asleep, the GreeKs jumped out of the hourse and opened the gate and sacked the city.



Istanbul is half Asia half Europe.  We stayed close to the blue mosque.  On the way in you have to take off your shoes.  It’s enormous but you can only stay on ½ of the area.  Did you know Muslems pray 5 time’s a day.  The most annoying time of the day is 4:30 am.  Their bible is called the Koran.  The towers that remibnbd them to pray are called mineret’s.  The small building beside the minaret is called a mosque.  The cistern is a place where the store water for the towns people.  2 of the collumns at the base there are priceless Medusa heads holding up the street.  The Hagia Sophia is a place where Christians had had a church.  But muslemes have a different religen.  In there religen you can’t draw a picture of other faces.  The Grand Bazarre is huge.  There are people saying use your money here, no use it here, and other people are giving you little trinkits.  There are thousands of stores there.  The ToKaia Palce is a place where a Sulten use to live.  The suulten had a 86 carrot diamand that a jeler found in the trash.

A couch full of small emerelds, rubys, and dimond.  There is a great view of the water way.  It is a beautiful view.  Next we went to the Topkapia Palace museum.  All the statues from Ephasus, Troy and even some from Egypt are held in this museum.

The underground cistern used to hold water for the Topkapi Palace.  In the cistern there are lots of fish and the cistern is 140 meters by 70 meters.  In one of the corners there is 2 collumns.  At the base there are priceless marble Medusa heads.  One is side ways and the other one is up side down, and we got our pictures taken like sultens.



In Ankara we stayed in a 4* hotel with the luxury room.  It was fabulous.  We also saw a calse and people were living in shacks closed on all 5 bsides.  When your at the top you can see around for miles.  Then we went to a fair there was all sorts of stuff like bumper cars super freekey rides and a ride that you go up side down at 50 mp.  Half the rides you have to be 13 to go on.  Ankara was a very fun Place.


Goreme Cappadocia

Cappadocia is better then the badlands because there are caves that are under ground that holds over 50,000 people.  And we only know of one entrance.  They brought animals in when they were baby’s, grew them, and ate them.  There many comunaties. That have 1,000’s of people .



In antaly there there was nothing to do so we stayed in a 5 star hotel with an indoor pool.  There is 103 hotels in this provence but only 3 have indoor pools.  The name is Sea Life.  But only half the half of the hotel was open when we were there. But now it’s closed.


*typist's notes:  all grammatical and spelling is transcribed as found in the original script.

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